5 Tips To Accomplish Your New Year Goals
1-) Create a mind map: We love the idea of this! Actually writing out and visually seeing your goals in an organized way is always helpful.
2-) Reflect on the past year: Think about this past year and what you achieved and what you still want to achieve? Did you slack when it comes to one thing? Or many? Take note when making your new goals.
3-) Be realistic: If “traveling the world” isn’t financially realistic this year, leave it off the list. Every goal you have should be 100% attainable.
4-) Leave a little wiggle room for error: You might not hit every single goal, and that’s ok. The most important thing is that you shoot for the stars.
5-) Share your goals: Having an accountability partner or even just publicly sharing your goals on Facebook with friends can be a great motivator. No one wants to let down their cousins or great Aunt!
IMAGE via @Pieceology